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British Strength Radio

Feb 21, 2020

Alexander Clarke is a raw powerlifter in the 125kg class who has totaled 920kg raw with bare knees and deadlifted 385kg in competition. He is also the owner of British Strength Magazine and host of British Strength Radio.

Feb 16, 2020

Naomi Sheppard is a 67.5kg powerlifter who has squatted 200kg bare knee and has squatted 220kg in wraps. She has also totaled 502.5kg in wraps and won the WPC Worlds Raw Overall.

Tom Sheppard is a powerlifter, powerlifting coach and owns Phoenix Performance Training with Naomi.

Feb 5, 2020

A nutrition seminar given by Alexander Clarke (powerlifter, former competitive bodybuilder and nutrition coach) to the members of University of Manchester Powerlifting Club.