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British Strength Radio

Mar 16, 2020

Richard Foster is the owner of Strom Nutrition where he runs the Hench Project, a harm reduction project in Shrewsbury targeted at performance enhancing drug users in order to help them make better, healthier decisions when using PEDs.

Mar 8, 2020

Andy Smith is a hybrid athlete powerlifter who also partakes in rugby and endurance events such as triathlons. He owns LIFT Gyms in Edinburgh and coaches clients for powerlifting, body composition and strength and conditioning for sports, both in person and online. His best total at 82.5kg is 702.5kg.

Mar 5, 2020

Reece Fullwood is a 125kg powerlifter who broke the UK all-federation total record in his first ever powerlifting meet with 965kg, raw with wraps. His 402.5kg squat still stands as the all-federation 125kg squat record in the UK.

Richard Foster is the owner of Strom Sports Nutrition, a British brand with a big eye on...